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Dalmatians who found their
forever homes.

Here are some of our happy spots who found their forever homes, from most recent to the dogs who started it all. Some are "foster fails" (foster parents decided to keep them!). Some are courtesy postings where we assisted in finding them their forever home.



Walter came to us in October 2023 in need of a new home. He was found to be a cryptorchid and neutered soon after arrival.  Sir Walter (as he is affectionately known) got along very well with my Dalmatians and every dog he met but he was very skeptical of new people. He is a very kind gentle soul. His happily ever after story is living on a farm with Fable! She was our rescue rescue from November 2022! They are perfect for each other as they are completely different in character, balancing each other out. Walter spends his days playing with Fable, helping with the chicken, goat, and horse chores, and exploring his new acreage. Walter holds a special place in our hearts. 


Formerly known as Garvis/Big G. This handsome 8-year-old Liver boy came to us July 2023. His parents suddenly passed away leaving him in search of a Dalmatian savvy home. We chose to fly him to Alberta to the best possible home. Where he is living his life with his Dalmatian sister Joya and Lab sister Mystic, both similar ages. He is such a special, sweet, gentle boy, we are elated that he is in such a loving experienced home. He is being spoiled with new things and is currently learning clicker training. We miss you big guy! You will always be close to my heart.

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Sometimes we don't have to take dogs into our care... Instead, the owners keep them until we can find a suitable match for them, like someone on our waitlist! This was the case with these 2 lovely sisters. They each found a new home on the mainland with active dog/Dalmatian-savvy families.



Formerly known as Archie. Although Dash was not placed directly through our rescue... He was found because of our post about him on our Facebook page! He was adopted by one of our directors, Diane, and now lives with her family, dog brother Baker and 3 cats. Welcome to the neighborhood buddy! You are a very lucky boy and so cool you are just up the road! Dash is from Mexico like Keeper and they enjoy walks together speaking Spanish, lol. He was brought in by Pina Perros Dog Rescue, Vancouver. Here he is pictured doing what our Mexican rescues love best... sunbathing on his deck! Welcome home friend. 



Formerly known as Phoebe, Fable is originally from the interior BC. She was 11 months old when she arrived into our care November 2022. Her family surrendered her into our care because of a major unexpected life change. Fable now gets to live out her days as a farm dog! Playing with goats, horses, chickens, and a cat. Guarding the farm from predators. She is being well trained by her new mom, from a high prey-drive dog to a well-rounded protector and companion. Good girl Fable. You are so intelligent, bold, and beautiful.


Chance, who was originally called "Little Prince" in Chinese, was just under 2 years of age when he arrived into our care Fall of 2020. We had him Vetted, vaccinated, neutered, de-wormed, and he received a dental scaling. He was otherwise fit and healthy. His family life circumstances changed and he was in need of a new home. His breeder was contacted and agreed to allow us to rehome him as we already had people on our wait-list. He is now living on acerage on Vancouver Island. He has been enjoying Agility classes, meeting new friends, going on hikes, paddle boarding and lots of adventures. Lucky handsome boy.



Miss Gracie (previously Casey). Often with rescues, we give them a new name to give them a fresh start. They accept this change easily and move on with their new life. After being fostered with us at SSSDR and recovering from her Lumpectomy surgery and Dental, Gracie was adopted by one of our Directors! In December 2018 she went off to her new home with a family of 3, and a cat. She and her new human brother were the same age at the time of her adoption! 7 years young! They enjoy multiple daily walks, beach and park time and many doggie play dates.



Formerly "Spot" and "Tobby", Keeper is originally from Mexico where he lived in a "pet store" in a small wire rabbit hutch with his sister until he was 6 months old. They were rescued by a local group who treated them for their afflictions, spayed/neutered them, then they were adopted online and shipped to Canada. Sadly more often than not, people who purchase dogs online do not know what they are getting into and a lot of these dogs are ending up in our local shelters. His home in BC didn't work out, we are very happy that his new owners contacted SSSDR instead of ending up in a shelter or being re-homed multiple times. Keeper was a very scared, unconfident, little dog who needed extensive retraining. He also has multiple lifelong health issues that we struggle with daily. He is living a spoiled Dally life with Jenn enjoying the mild Vancouver Island weather where he enjoys hiking, mountain biking, and plenty of beach time! His mom is very proud of him earning his Canine Good Neighbour cert, his Companion Dog title, and his Rally Obedience Excellent title. He is also working very hard at agility and tracking. Keeper came in as a foster and never left, he definitely was a Keeper! Keeper is proof change is possible! We love you so much little guy.


Diamond was given up by a family who couldn't keep her anymore. She found her forever home with my brother Mike. She enjoyed a spoiled life on acreage in the hills of Millstream well into her senior years. Princess Diamond, you will be greatly missed by many human and Dal friends alike. Rest in peace our beautiful little liver Dal.
February 2011.

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Duke was given up by a family who didn't have time for him because they had a baby, sadly this is a story we hear far too often. He would have loved to live with children as he was the kindest, gentlest soul who helped with his quiet confidence train every other rescue we fostered thereafter. He lived a full life, filled with camping, horseback rides, hiking, fishing trips, and agility. He passed away just a few months shy of 15 due to age-related issues. Rest in peace my little Pinky friend, my angel.
July 16/99-April 30/14.



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Marx had 9 homes by the time we adopted him, he was 10 when we adopted him, making us his tenth home. Sadly he was given up for various reasons. Health was one of them, he had bladder stones, allergies, stenotic ear canals from recurring ears infections, Hypothyroidism, and was deaf. He received the name Marx because when we picked him up at the shelter he was drawn all over with coloured markers. Marx had the biggest Dally smile, especially if you scratched his ears. It was because of him that we called our rescue See Spot Smile! He passed away at age 12 due to health and age-related issues. RIP my bunny soft gentle soul. 1995-2006.



Formerly Striker. We spent 3 long months trying to get this little guy out of the pound where he was on the "put to sleep" list. We do not know why he was on the PTS list, Ryker had never bit anyone but he did have cage aggression. He was highly misunderstood by the pound staff which could have cost him his life. He was 7 when we got him so we had a lot of reworking to do. But it paid off! He was so intelligent and entertaining, he made me laugh every day! Our Mr. Malarky, our crazy frog, our spring bean. Ryker passed due to mobility issues, he was 14.5 years young!  Rest in peace we love you Rykie.
July 20/98-November 27/11.



I visited Lou several times while he was at the SPCA. He had some typical Dalmatian health issues but with good care and maintenance they were managable. He had a lovely disposition and loved to fetch. We connected someone on our waitlist with the Comox SPCA and Lou/Rue was adopted in 2014. He is enjoying his new life in Vancouver going on lots of hiking adventures with Emma.



Daisy came into our care in 2012, she was 6.5 years old. Daisy stayed with Sheryl and they became inseparable companions. Daisy had some complicated health issues that required a lot of special care. Sheryl became the best nurse mom allowing Daisy to live her fullest life until she was 14 years old. Daisy passed away on August 21, 2020. Rest in peace beautiful lady.



Juno was adopted by his foster mom! He spent 4 years with Sheryl. Juno never forgotten, 1998 - May 2012.



Tanna has been adopted by Brian and family. She is so happy to be in her new home with her dog sister, Maya.  February 2014.



Bogie has been adopted through the Delta Community Animal Shelter in 2008.  Way to go Bogie!  Our wish for you is love and happiness for the rest of your life!



Cassie went through a lot of retraining with us. She had spent most of her life tied up or on leash due to not having a fenced yard. Once she learned a good recall, and her Dal brothers taught her to come back she spent her time with us running free on the trails.  We tried her in a few different homes before we found the perfect match. She was rehomed once she was confident enough to be placed in a forever home. Run free liver lady!


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Contessa was given up by her family after 9 years! They simply said, "they weren't attached to her". The breeder flew her back from Ontario and took her back, honoring her buy-back policy after all those years. Unfortunately, she wasn't getting along with her dogs so she came to us. She was a lovely cuddly girl who stayed with SSSDR well into her senior years. She was eventually laid to rest due to age-related issues. 1994-2007.



Feisty came to us from Alberta, she was said to have been aggressive towards children, although we never experienced any such behaviour. She was an energetic little girl who stayed with her foster family and with SSDR into her senior years. She went to Rainbow Bridge due to health issues in February 2010.



Tao was adopted.



Annie was adopted.



Penny was a courtesy posting from Victoria Adoptables. She was adopted in 2007 by her foster family.



Sadie remained in her loving foster home until she succumbed to her age-related issues. Rest in peace sweet girly. 1997- April 2010.



Meeki was a lovely big guy adopted into his forever home by Sheryl where he happily retired. Meeki will forever be in our hearts. Rest in peace big guy. March 9/02 - Jan.3/14.



Cleo was adopted in 2009.


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Lannie was adopted by a lovely older couple to spend her last few senior years of retirement with.


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Trooper was adopted to enjoy an amazing life of hiking and spending half his time in Victoria and half his time in Ontario with his lovely family. He is still going strong at 15!


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Jennifer was adopted.



Stanley remained in his loving foster home until he succumbed to his mobility issues. Rest in peace sweet boy. 1997 -August 1/09.



Ziggy has been adopted!  Thanks, Dalmatian Adoption and Rescue (Ontario).



Katie found love forever in foster care. She spent the last 6 months of her life being loved and spoiled by Sheryl. Katie went to rainbow bridge in April 2013.



Is now home to stay in Peachland with Sheryl. Not forgotten Sadie 1997 - April 2010.



Pongo was adopted in new family Sarah, Daniel, Tara and John. We are happy he found a forever home. Always remembered, Pongo 1996 - August 2010.



The name and identity of this dog are concealed. This was a seizure case that was safely placed in foster care and retired with loving care.


Reuben, formally known as Hobo was adopted through a local pound. He was left tied up outside in the winter, he had a stained line of rain scald along his back. We immediately vetted him but sadly he had already had an underlying disease brewing. After much sickness and many tests, it was confirmed that Reuben had Distemper. A horrible deadly virus that could have easily been prevented had he been properly vaccinated. Reuben was only with us for a short time before we had to have him euthanized before the virus took him, he was only 11 months old, we only got to love him for a few short weeks.  RIP beautiful boy. Never forgotten. February 1998.



Rosco came to us only a month after the loss of Reuben. He was a one-year-old intact male living with an intact female Pitbull. He had a lot of energy so we went on to do dog obedience, agility and exploring the trails on horseback. He befriended every rescue that came behind him and taught them the ropes of proper canine etiquette. Thank you Rosco I couldn't have done it without you. Your time on this earth was far too short, passing at the young age of ten of Lymphoma. You were always as tough as nails right till the end. I love you, miss you most handsome man rest in peace. Reuben and Rosco made me realize the need for rescue and drove my desire to start SSSDR.
March 27/97-July 19/06.


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